Children and Young People Policy

Parish of St Thomas with St Stephen Policy for Safeguarding Children.

To download a printable copy, please click here.

We are committed to promoting and supporting environments which:

●      are youth-friendly and child-friendly and nurture their positive development.

●      enable children and young people to be active contributors to the church community.

●      protect children and young people from actual or potential harm

●      enable and encourage concerns to be raised and responded to openly and consistently.

We recognise that:

●      the welfare of the child or young person is paramount.

●      all children (regardless of age, disability, gender, racial heritage, religious belief, sexual orientation or identity) have the right to equal protection from all types of harm or abuse.

●      abuse of children can occur in all communities and is most likely to occur within families and by people known to the child.

●      working in partnership with children, young people, their parents, carers and other agencies is essential in promoting young people’s welfare.

We will endeavour to safeguard children and young people by:

In all our activities -

●      valuing, listening to and respecting children and young people.

●      fostering and encouraging best practice by setting standards for working with children and young people, in co-operation with statutory bodies, voluntary agencies and other faith communities.

 In our recruitment of paid staff and volunteers, following Diocesan procedures in -

●      ensuring careful selection and recruitment of ordained and lay ministers as appropriate, voluntary workers, and paid workers with children and young people, in line with safer recruitment principles and checks.

●      providing supervision, support and training.

In our publicity -

●      sharing information about good safeguarding practice with children, parents, and all those working with them.

When concerns are raised, following Diocesan procedures in -

●      responding without delay to every concern raised that a child or young person may have been harmed, or be at risk from harm; or about the behaviour of an adult or child.

●      working with the diocese and appropriate statutory bodies during an investigation into child abuse, including when allegations are made against a member of the church community.

●      challenging any abuse of power, especially by anyone in a position of trust.

In our care -

●      ensuring that informed and appropriate pastoral care is offered to any child, young person or adult who has suffered abuse.

●      ensuring that appropriate pastoral care is offered to any member of our church community against whom an allegation is made.

In our supervision, following Diocesan procedures in -

●    ensuring, in partnership with the diocese and other agencies, that care and supervision is provided for any member of our church community known to have offended against a child or young person, or to pose a risk to them.

Electronic/Digital Safety

●    Ensure all electronic communications are appropriate and professional.

●    If using electronic technology as a group activity ensure that an adult worker knows and understands what is happening within the group.

●    Do not make any relationship with a child (other than family members) through a social networking site.

●    Maintain a log of all electronic contact with individuals or groups including messaging and texting.

We are committed to reviewing our policy and procedures annually.

Last Updated: May 2023