Prayer Gatherings
At the heart of all we do
Please contact us with any prayer requests or answers to prayer. We have a group of people ready to pray!
In services of Holy Communion members of the prayer ministry team offer prayer in the aisles with extended times of prayer ministry available at the end of each service.
Midweek Prayer - at St Thomas’
Join us as we gather to pray for 20-30 minutes Monday to Thursday. Each day we will have a particular focus, but we can of course pray for anything any day.
Mondays, 12:30pm in Outside the Staff Office - Praying for children, youth and mission.
Tuesdays, 9.15am in The Chapel - Praying for people, pastoral needs and healing.
Wednesdays, 10am in The Café - Praying for Sunday services, listening for prophetic words.
The chapel is located in the corner of the main Church worship space. On a Monday we will leave the main church door open so you can find us, Tuesday to Thursday please come in via The Café.
Midweek Prayer - on Zoom
We also meet on Wednesdays at 8.30am, on Zoom, using the Morning Prayer liturgy from Common Worship and finishing at around 9am. Led by one of the team using the Church of England’s Daily Prayer app (download the free app if you wish) sharing with Christians around the world in this daily act of worship with prayers for the day and its tasks, the world and its needs and for the Church and her life.
Our Church Prayer
God of Mission, who alone brings growth to Your Church. Send your Holy Spirit to give vision to our planning, wisdom to our actions, joy to our worship and power to our witness. Help our church to grow in numbers, in spiritual commitment to you and in service to our local community. Through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.