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Rota Coordinators
If you oversee a rota your rota will have a 'pencil' icon to represent rotas you oversee. Once a rota expires, or your final serving date on a rota passes, that rota will cease to show in the list.
You may also see follow-on rotas when an existing rota is expiring soon. Note that draft status rotas - styled italicised in the list - are only visible to ministry overseers and are not visible to the rota's members until published, enabling overseers to plan, create rotas, and fine-tune them before publishing them and making them visible to rota members.
Important Note
Please create your rota sometime between the two dates that you will be assigned to create your rota (not before this date). This is because there is a specific order in which rotas are to be created, based on various factors. You will be emailed these dates in advance.
Video Tutorial
Below is a video tutorial on how to create and populate a rota.