Regular Hirers Terms and Conditions


By making payment you are agreeing to the following terms and conditions of use:

  1. The hirer shall not use the room(s) for any purpose other than described in the booking and agrees to use only the designated room(s).

  2. STwSS reserves the right to cancel or change the day and time of booking in the event of requiring it for a special event. It will give at least 4 weeks’ notice and will refund any money paid for a booking that is cancelled or changed in these circumstances.

  3. The hirer shall, during the period of occupancy, be responsible for the supervision and security of the space, protection of the fabric and contents from damage, and the behaviour of all persons using the premises. Furniture is not to be moved around the building except with prior agreement with STwSS.

  4. The hirer shall report any damage caused during its use of the space and shall indemnify STwSS for the cost of repair of any damage caused whilst using the premises.

  5. The hirer shall not have access to the parking facilities on-site and must use the on-street parking available.

  6. The community door must be locked at all times. Any late comers to your event must ring the doorbell for entry.

  7. The hirer shall use the heating and lighting facilities of the building with regard for reasonable economy.

  8. The hirer shall be responsible for ensuring that the space is left clean and tidy after each booking and that rubbish is recycled or disposed of in the bins provided inside the building or in the commercial bins provided outside.

  9. The toilets must not be used for the disposal of sanitary towels, wet wipes or nappies. Please use the pink bins provided.

  10. The hirer named above is the designated key holder who shall be responsible for locking and securing the building after use. The hirer agrees not make copies or lend the key to any other party.

  11. The hirer shall only use the notice board provided in the lobby area to display one A4 poster. No notices shall be fixed to walls or woodwork.
    Cellotape and bluetack are not allowed to be used anywhere in the building.

  12. The hirer shall ensure that noise both within and outside the building is kept at a level which will not disturb people either using other parts of the building or in neighbouring houses and will take responsibility for addressing any complaints arising from its activities.

  13. External doors must be closed after 6pm to help contain any noise.